Section: New Results

Mesh Generation and Geometry Processing

A Surface Reconstruction Method for In-Detail Underwater 3D Optical Mapping

Participant : Mariette Yvinec.

In collaboration with Pierre Alliez (EPI Titane), Ricard Campos (University of Girona), Raphael Garcia (University of Girona)

Underwater range scanning techniques are starting to gain interest in underwater exploration, providing new tools to represent the seafloor. These scans (often) acquired by underwater robots usually result in an unstructured point cloud, but given the common downward-looking or forward-looking configuration of these sensors with respect to the scene, the problem of recovering a piecewise linear approximation representing the scene is normally solved by approximating these 3D points using a heightmap (2.5D). Nevertheless, this representation is not able to correctly represent complex structures, especially those presenting arbitrary concavities normally exhibited in underwater objects. We present a method devoted to full 3D surface reconstruction that does not assume any specific sensor configuration. The method presented is robust to common defects in raw scanned data such as outliers and noise often present in extreme environments such as underwater, both for sonar and optical surveys. Moreover, the proposed method does not need a manual preprocessing step. It is also generic as it does not need any information other than the points themselves to work. This property leads to its wide application to any kind of range scanning technologies and we demonstrate its versatility by using it on synthetic data, controlled laser-scans, and multibeam sonar surveys. Finally, and given the unbeatable level of detail that optical methods can provide, we analyze the application of this method on optical datasets related to biology, geology and archeology. [23]

A Transfer Principle and Applications to Eigenvalue Estimates for Graphs

Participant : David Cohen-Steiner.

In collaboration with Omid Amini (ENS),

In this paper, we prove a variant of the Burger-Brooks transfer principle which, combined with recent eigenvalue bounds for surfaces, allows to obtain upper bounds on the eigenvalues of graphs as a function of their genus. More precisely, we show the existence of a universal constants C such that the k-th eigenvalue λk of the normalized Laplacian of a graph G of (geometric) genus g on n vertices satisfies λkCdmax(g+k)/n where dmax denotes the maximum valence of vertices of the graph. This result is tight up to a change in the value of the constant C. We also use our transfer theorem to relate eigenvalues of the Laplacian on a metric graph to the eigenvalues of its simple graph models, and discuss an application to the mesh partitioning problem. [44]